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People To Whom ALLAH Grants MAGHFARAT..!!!!!!!

There are several verses of the Quran [e.g 2:284, 3:129, 5:18, 5:40, 48:14] which are usually interpreted as “Allah grants Maghfarat Whom He Wills”. These verses can also be interpreted as, “Allah grants Maghfarat Whoever wills to have it”. Either interpretation begs a question. If “Allah grants Maghfarat Whom He Wills”, then question is whether Allah selects people randomly or (dare I say) blindly to grant Maghfarat or Does He have any criteria for this i.e. Does Allah’s Will follow any criteria defined, of course, by Allah Himself or not?. OR if “Allah grants Maghfarat Whoever wills to have it”, then question is whether JUST WILLING to have Maghfarat is enough or one has to fulfil some criteria? Indeed the study of the Quran makes very clear that there are certain criteria according to which Allah grants Maghfarat. Neither Allah selects people randomly to bestow Maghfarat nor JUST WILLING (or just saying astaghfiru-Allah) of a man is enough to have Maghfarat.

October 10, 2010 - Posted by | allah, hijab, islam, Uncategorized, women in islam

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